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Specific accessories for our hoses, clamps, fittings, flanges,. ask us

Clamp type 212
Clamp type 212TT
Clamp type 213
Clamp type 216
Clamp type 217
Smooth muff 240-241
Muff Male Thread 242
Muff for flangues 243
Flange DIN 244
Tri-clamp coupling 245E
Muff union 246
Coupling DIN-11851
Tri-Clamp coupling 245
Thermoretractil Union
Metalics Unions
Couplings AS-F 250
Muff for EVA 373
Muff for superflex 372
Metalic terminal(101-102)
PVC terminal(111-112-118-131)


We can manufacture other diameters, pressures and colours under it demands. JJB EUROMANGUERAS, S.L. can modify whithout notice the technical specification of their products. Please consult us.


C/.Roble, 11 Polig. Ind. San Sebastián - E28950-MORALEJA DE ENMEDIO - MADRID - ESPAÑA -
Telef. +34 916 093 464 - Fax +34 916 093 098 - E.mail